Film reviews

Film Review – Joyride

Olivia Colman plays Joy, a lawyer who is taking a trip to give her newborn baby away, to her sister. On the way, the taxi she is traveling in is stolen by a young boy (Mully). He is trying to put right his lowlife, gambling father’s crimes. Mully is played by Charlie Reid.

This is Charlie Reid’s debut film and in my opinion he’s someone to keep a eye out for. Playing side by side with a well established actress such as Olivia Colman, it could have been easy for him to get lost. But at times I would say he outshone her.

The plot for the film is messy but saying that, it’s a heartwarming film. I’d definitely recommend it on a Sunday – when you’re looking for an easy watch.


Poems I love part VI – Funeral Blues by W.H. Auden

The first time I remember hearing this poem it was read by John Hannah’s character in ‘Four Weddings and a Funeral’ I’m sure this would be the case for a lot of people. When I read it still now I can hear it in my mind in his Scottish accent.

The words are beautifully powerful and thought provoking. The heartache is raw, it’s about when someone you love passes, you believe everything should stop and mourn but the world carries on.

Film reviews · Review · Thinking Out Loud

Hocus Pocus 2

What the hell guys, 29 years later from the original and that’s what we get. Come on Disney you knew the stakes would be high, given the fan base and amount of time we have been waiting for a sequel.

I’m personally disappointed. Hocus Pocus in my opinion is the equivalent to Home alone at Christmas, it is a halloween tradition. Ever since the first time I hired it with my mum from the local video store.

I did laugh at Mary, I cringed mostly at Sarah and Winnie was just Bette Midler 🙌🏻.

I’m not going to say that I would watch it again because I probably wouldn’t. I shall say farewell to this version of the Sanderson sisters and returning to the original Sanderson sisters in the near future; it is nearly Halloween after all.


Grinch Reviewed

Everybody of a certain generation remembers a paticular Grinch, for me that Grinch has to be Jim Carrey as the Grinch in ‘How The Grinch Stole Christmas’ (2000).

I personally now can say that after watching the new Grinch film my opinion hasn’t changed at all. I have no plans in watching the newest version again. The Character Grinch in the new film is weak to say the least. I did laugh but the laughs came very far and few, in comparison to the version I am accustomed to.  The plotline is meh and did anyone else notice the crazy continuity error in the film itself. At the begining of the film Cindy-Lou goes on a crazy sled ride in order to post her santa letter but after this part in the movie the path that the ride takes place on is no longer present and the road runs right by her front door. I know I’m not suppose to notice this but I can’t help it; it’s a gift. The film was far too long. I went to the cinema with a open mind hoping to enjoy this take on a classic and was most disappointed.

The two characters that saved the film were Max and The Screaming Sheep. So basically here it is in my opinion, watch the 2000 version and be merry. All you need to watch of the new version is complied in this trailer.

You’re Welcome.