Film reviews

Reviewing Elvis

So I finally watched Baz Luhrmann’s Elvis and I’m glad I didn’t pay to see it at the cinema. I wanted to like it, I really did, but I just felt like it was messy and missing something. I’m not a particularly big Elvis fan. Obviously I’m aware of his songs and I like some of what I have heard. However, I wouldn’t go out of my way to listen to him.
I am however, a big Luhrmann fan, so I thought if anything would sway me (to be more interested in Elvis) – it would be this. But nope, that’s not the case. I did search about Priscilla and Lisa Marie and there’s just so much tragedy in a family, all very sad.

It’s crazy to think that such a high profile star only played the USA and never actually made it to the UK. The Colonel has a lot to answer for, that’s another thing and something I can’t believe I’m saying, what the hell was going on with Tom Hanks? I felt all that was missing was the villain laugh, very much over acting on his behalf.

Austin Butler however, was great. The likeness alone for Elvis was remarkable and you could tell that he had studied him well in order to play the role.

Since watching it, I have seen a few comments saying Kurt Russell did a biopic of Elvis and it’s much better. I think I might give that a watch. One day…


Heathers vs Heathers the musical

Growing up ‘Heathers’ was one of my favourite films. It’s one of the first that I remember seeing Christian Slater in and very soon after I saw ‘Pump up the volume’ which I would watch continuously.

So anyway, when I heard there was a musical I wanted to see it. I decided on waiting for it to venture to my home town.

I couldn’t help but wonder how they would achieve a musical of such a macabre film specially with it’s I guess you could say dated storyline. It’s definitely not the most pc of story lines.

Now I would have like to have ate my word and been proven wrong but I personally didn’t like it. The songs were fine, they did make me cringe somewhat at times. Specially when they were singing dialogue from the film. I know it’s a musical but it just felt too much. The story was ok, I enjoyed the character Martha Dumptruck in the musical and how it had been developed more. But sadly they didn’t achieve what the original film brought. It’s just so very…. If I hadn’t seen the film, I may have liked it more.

My Veronica and JD 💜
Film reviews · Review

The Banshees of Inisherin

Jenny the little donkey

The Banshees of Inisherin is about a man called Pádraic (Colin Farrell) struggling to understand why his long term friend has decided he no longer likes him. Colm (Brendan Gleeson) refers to Pádraic as dull, saying he no longer wants him in his life. Pádraic’s refusal to understand and listen ends with Colm making a ultimatum of shocking consequences.

This film is dark humour, but also belly laughter funny. With Irish humour and a lovely soundtrack to match.

The acting is 10/10. Farrell’s eyebrows deserve there own award category.

Cinematically the film is outstanding. The views are breathtaking.

Film reviews · Review

I watched some films!

The Menu

“Don’t eat, taste”

The Menu is satire, not at its best but it will keep you watching and draw you in. Nicholas Hoult, Anya Taylor-Joy and Ralph Fiennes play their roles splendidly. Nicholas Hoult maybe a little too well but I won’t say too much as I don’t want to give any spoilers. This is one to watch but I would put it on the back burner as there’s plenty of other films that outshine this one.

A Man Called Otto

What I expected was a grumpy old man film, with a comedy twist but this surpassed my expectations. ‘A Man Called Otto’ is so much more than this, it is a heartwarming story of a man that has lost the love of his life and is struggling through life without her companionship. It’s also the story of how an unlikely friendship can change a life for the better. Watch it..