Blogmas · Christmas · Film reviews · Rant


I remember being told when I was pregnant that having a child brings back the joy of Christmas.

Well if i had that conversation today, I would tell the person “you lie”. It just causes more stress, when you don’t have a child, people just leave you alone. Once you have had a child it’s all about others seeing them and then you feel stressed trying to keep everyone happy.

My perfect Xmas would be a log cabin somewhere with just me, Bean and Blake. Maybe with the exception of drinks one evening. Anyway… now that rants over and done with, back to blogmas:

Top Xmas movies in no particular order:

Nightmare Before Christmas

When I was younger, every year since I can remember we would have a Christmas/ New Year’s party. It wasn’t a massive party but it was always something I looked forward to and still have fond memories of. The party would consist of my two sets of great aunties and uncles; as well as my nanny on my dad’s side. I think my grandad came a couple of times. The adults would take it in turns on who would host each year. All my memories are blurred but I remember that on one year, my dear Uncle Charlie was very excited to show me a video he had purchased at Blockbuster. I must have been 9/10 and the film had me transported to a crazy world full of Halloween and Christmas. I loved every second of that night and it is now my tradition to watch that film during Halloween to get into the spirit of Christmas. (I actually still own the original VHS tape and I always will).

Muppets Christmas Carol

Come on it’s the Muppets it would be wrong not to include it. No explanation necessary.


I think this may be my favourite take on a Christmas carol. I also know that I was far too young when I first watched this because I remember being terrified of the taxi driver (ghost of Christmas past) and various other parts and characters. Not to mention Bobcat Goldthwaits character.. such a great film.

To be continued because I’m tired…

Film reviews · Review

I watched some films!

The Menu

“Don’t eat, taste”

The Menu is satire, not at its best but it will keep you watching and draw you in. Nicholas Hoult, Anya Taylor-Joy and Ralph Fiennes play their roles splendidly. Nicholas Hoult maybe a little too well but I won’t say too much as I don’t want to give any spoilers. This is one to watch but I would put it on the back burner as there’s plenty of other films that outshine this one.

A Man Called Otto

What I expected was a grumpy old man film, with a comedy twist but this surpassed my expectations. ‘A Man Called Otto’ is so much more than this, it is a heartwarming story of a man that has lost the love of his life and is struggling through life without her companionship. It’s also the story of how an unlikely friendship can change a life for the better. Watch it..

Film reviews

Film Review – Joyride

Olivia Colman plays Joy, a lawyer who is taking a trip to give her newborn baby away, to her sister. On the way, the taxi she is traveling in is stolen by a young boy (Mully). He is trying to put right his lowlife, gambling father’s crimes. Mully is played by Charlie Reid.

This is Charlie Reid’s debut film and in my opinion he’s someone to keep a eye out for. Playing side by side with a well established actress such as Olivia Colman, it could have been easy for him to get lost. But at times I would say he outshone her.

The plot for the film is messy but saying that, it’s a heartwarming film. I’d definitely recommend it on a Sunday – when you’re looking for an easy watch.

Film reviews · Review · Thinking Out Loud

Hocus Pocus 2

What the hell guys, 29 years later from the original and that’s what we get. Come on Disney you knew the stakes would be high, given the fan base and amount of time we have been waiting for a sequel.

I’m personally disappointed. Hocus Pocus in my opinion is the equivalent to Home alone at Christmas, it is a halloween tradition. Ever since the first time I hired it with my mum from the local video store.

I did laugh at Mary, I cringed mostly at Sarah and Winnie was just Bette Midler 🙌🏻.

I’m not going to say that I would watch it again because I probably wouldn’t. I shall say farewell to this version of the Sanderson sisters and returning to the original Sanderson sisters in the near future; it is nearly Halloween after all.