
Counter productive thoughts,

Cloud my mind.

Like the over-cast view that dulls the sky.

I’m not going to say it can’t get worse because I know it can.

I’m not going to make stupid resolutions,

Life is unpredictable and I don’t need the residual fail,

I know I’d be better off with a plan.

Something achievable, set targets and aim for them.

But most important try to bring back my glow.

I feel like the light has gone behind my eyes,

It comes back in moments but mostly there’s just gloom.




In a room full of noise

I hear static

Why did I come?

I feel like a spare.

A spare in their moment, simply invited to entertain?

Laughing at my sarcastic temperament.

But I’m feeling silently judged,

Is this just my self loathing,

As they snap their photos,

laughing in their moment,

Why am I here?

Hayley Chaplin



Your beauty is genuine,
You may not feel it or see it, but others do.
In world full of expectations
Whether it be wealth, career or status,
It’s about who you see when you look at yourself and what you need,
Change nothing and be you; YOU matter.
And the people who know you, the real you,
The dark and the light,
As well as beautiful colours that you personify,
Will out shine the dark and you will be everything and more.


Waves crash and collide with themselves,

Somewhat like my mind,

Engulfed by trauma and torment,

Wrestling with new ideas and replaying past,

As the waves settle, a calm atmosphere is formed.

But it never seems lasting,

Not long enough to be seen,

As soon as you feel comfortable that wave can sweep you up and set you back.

Breathe, just breathe.

The storm will pass,

The wave will subside subsequently leaving you breathless but strong.