Stuff · Thinking Out Loud

Always thinking #11111111r

I apologise when I cry

Today I got upset, I get upset a lot recently, it doesn’t take much, to make me break. I have been struggling. I’m not ashamed to say I struggle. But today when I cried something happened, the person I cried in-front of said let it out. This is something I run from not physically but I hid it from others. Then the person said your emotions are valid and it made me feel normal. I shy away from my emotions so quickly because I fear of appearing weak or worse vulnerable.

I have always been someone that people confide in. I listens to others problems taken them on as my own and pushing aside my own feeling. Concentrating on other and neglecting myself. The last 3 years have been hard in so many ways and the last couple of months have been heartbreaking.

I haven’t dealt with life well I haven’t been looking after myself physically or mentally. I have just been in flight mode. But I know that, that has to change I have to change.

So I’m going to.

I’m no longer going to censor my emotions. I need to talk and feel. I want to be a role model to my son and for him to feel that he can talk openly and how will he achieve that if I cant.

I want him to be happy above everything.